Raw data streaming to SQS

Data Transfer ServicesData Transfer Services

Raw data streaming to SQS

Raw data streaming to SQS

Use the one-way Raw Data Streaming to Amazon SQS integration to copy Call Details Record (CDR) data from Voiso to Amazon Web Service's Simple Queue Service (AWS SQS) for client-end processing outside of Voiso.

Replicate call data to AWS SQS

The Raw Data Streaming to Amazon SQS integration automatically copies call details to your Amazon Simple Queue Service (AWS SQS) fully managed message queueing service. You can then use your own or a third-party application to process call records for Business Intelligence purposes, such as triggering alarms or extracting meaningful data to gain insights into your call records.

Note: This communication channel only sends information in one direction. You CANNOT retrieve records from AWS SQS via the interface.

  • REST
  • Java