List campaigns

API OverviewCampaigns

List campaigns

List Campaigns

The List Campaigns API is part of Voiso's User Management APIs. Use it to obtain a list of all campaign names and IDs you are permitted to access based on your user API key. The API description is here.


  • The requesting user must be configured in your contact center.
  • You must have at least one campaign configured for your contact center.

Making requests

The List Campaigns API requires the base URL (cluster_id) and the user API key (user_api_key). It uses the following parameters to initiate a call:

The key parameter is the API key of the user making the request. This tells Voiso which user is making the request. Voiso responds with the list of campaigns the requesting user is permitted to access.

For example:



The following issues are sometimes encountered:

Invalid User API Key

The Users API requires the user API key to validate the request. If you see this error, "error": "Invalid User API Key", check that you use the correct user API key. For more information about API keys, refer to Authentication.