Update contacts

API OverviewCampaigns

Update contacts

Update Contacts

Use the Update Contacts API to update existing contacts/leads in a live Dialer campaign. Contacts are identified by their phone number. You can only update the contact name, source, URL, active state, and priority.

The API endpoint description is here.


  • The Dialer campaign must have the Live campaign setting enabled.
  • The campaign ID, which can be obtained by using List Campaigns API request or from the Outbound > Campaigns page.
  • A valid phone number for each contact in E.164 format without the preceding '+'. For example: 441234567890.

Making requests

The Update contacts API requires the base URL (cluster_id) and the contact center API key.

It uses the following parameters to update the contact list:

keyThe contact center API key for authentication.stringRequiredMust be included in the request URL.
campaign_idThe identification number associated with the campaign to which the contacts are to be added. It an be obtained by using the List Campaigns API request or from the Outbound > Campaigns page.stringRequiredMust be included in the request URL.
contactsAn array of phone numbers and contact information to be added to a Dialer campaign.arrayRequiredMust be included in the request Body.

Contacts array

phoneNumberThe recipient's phone number.stringRequiredThe number must be specified in E.164 format without the preceding '+'. For example: 447414992548
contactNameThe name of the contact.stringOptional
contactSourceThe name of the source of the contact information, such as a trade show, CRM, and so on.stringOptional
contactURLThe URL of a CRM or other integrated application where the contact’s record can be screen-popped. Refer to CRM integration overview.stringOptional
priorityA value assigned to the contact to determine the calling order for Dialer.stringOptionalThe range is from 0 to 1000, where 0 is the highest priority.
isActiveAn indicator of whether the contact should be dialed as part of the campaign.numberOptionalValid values are 0 and 1. 0 means the contact should not be called. 1 means the contact should be called.

With these parameters, you can make a PUT request:

  "method": "PUT",
  "url": "https://cluster1.voiso.com/api/v1/ab7a556b6...bb00cc6c3/campaigns/25735/contacts",
  "headers": {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  "body": {
    "contacts": [
        "phoneNumber": "4407414992548",
        "contactName": "Bill Bringy",
        "contactSource": "CRM",
        "contactURL": "https://myurl.com",
        "priority": "1",
        "isActive": 1
        "phoneNumber": "4407415552548",
        "contactName": "Alicia Gonzales",
        "contactSource": "CRM",
        "contactURL": "https://myurl.com",
        "priority": "2",
        "isActive": 0

Note: You may have multiple contacts parameters.


The following table describes the elements of the response.

numbers_not_foundPhone numbers that do not exist in the campaign or that you are trying to update more than once.arrayAn array of strings.
invalid_numbersPhone numbers that are not in the E.164 format.arrayAn array of strings.
contactsPhone numbers successfully added to the campaign.arrayAn array of strings.

Response sample

  "numbers_not_found": [
  "invalid_numbers": [
1170347521  ],
  "contacts": [
525552489136  ]


The following issues are sometimes encountered:

Invalid Key

The Add Contacts API requires the user API key to validate the request. If you see this error, "error": "Invalid Key", check that you are using the correct user API key. For more information about API keys, refer to Authentication.

Campaign not found

If you see this error, "error": "Campaign not found", the campaign ID that you specified in the request URL does not exist in your contact center or is not accessible to the user.

To verify the campaign ID, use the List Campaigns API to request it, or from the Outbound > Campaigns page, find the campaign ID in the Campaigns table.

To verify that the user has access to the specified campaign, check the user profile associated with the API request. The Edit all campaigns or Edit own campaigns permissions must be assigned to the user's profile.

Campaign type should be live

If you see this error, "error": "Campaign type should be live", the Live campaign option is not enabled for the specified campaign. To set this option, from the Voiso main menu bar, navigate to Outbound > Dialer campaigns and select the campaign. On the Edit campaign page, select Live campaign and save the campaign.

Maximum limit of 1000 contacts for each request

If you see this error, "error": "Maximum limit of 1000 contacts for each request", your POST request is attempting to add more than 1000 contacts to the campaign. To add more than 1000 contacts, make multiple requests of up to 1000 contacts each.

Required contact field missing

If you see this error, "error": "Required contact field missing - phoneNumber", there is no phone number available for one or more of the contacts you are trying to add to the campaign. Please ensure that you have a phone number for every contact you add to the campaign.

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