How to retrieve CDRs

API OverviewCall Detail Records Cdr

How to retrieve CDRs


Use the Call Detail Records (CDR) API to query your interaction detail records from your account. Apply various request parameters as filters to limit the number of records in the response.

Important: You may only query CDRs for which access has been granted to you by your account privileges. Refer to Security Access Groups.

How to retrieve values for certain filters

To obtain values for certain CDR request filters, such as queue_ids, agent_ids, and so on, you can use the following APIs to get IDs and other details for these contact center objects:

Refer to the Parameter Reference table, below, for more information.

Request example

The following is an example of a request that returns all interaction records for outbound calls from December 12, 2023 onwards. The response should include the first 1000 or fewer records on a single page:

  "method": "GET",
  "url": "",
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json"
  "params": {
    "key": "a387aaf1f101fc...fe284aaf61",
    "page": "1",
    "per_page": "1000",
    "type": "outbound",
    "start_date": "2023-12-01"

Querying more than 10,000 records

The CDR API returns up to 10,000 results per request. To obtain more than 10,000 results, you must make multiple requests, adding the search_token parameter to subsequent requests.

If your first request returns 10,000 records, but additional records match the search criteria, the response includes the search_token parameter and value. For example:


    "records": [ …array of records… ],
    "search_token": "WzE2NjkwMTcyNDkwMTUsImNkcl9pdGVtI2MzNTY2ZTFiL"

To continue searching the records from where you left off, enter your request again, adding the search_token parameter. For example:

  "method": "GET",
  "url": "",
  "params": {
    "key": "a387aaf1f101fc...fe284aaf61",
    "page": "1",
    "per_page": "1000",
    "type": "outbound",
    "start_date": "2023-12-01",
    "search_token": "WzE2NjkwMTcyNDkwMTUsImNkcl9pdGVtI2MzNTY2ZTFiL

Repeat the search process, replacing the search_token value with the new value in the response until the response is "search_token": null. For example:


Parameter reference

The following parameters are supported by the CDR API.

Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredTypeExample
keyThe API key of a specific user.Requiredstringuser_api_key
search_tokenParameter should be used to query more than 10000 records.Requiredstringdkeouof13kjhk4HHH59
pageIndicates the current page numberOptionalinteger (int32)1
per_pageNumber of records per pageOptionalinteger (int32)20
start_dateInclude only records on or after this date. Must be in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (ISO 8601).Optionalstring2020-04-01
end_dateInclude only records on or before this date. Must be in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (ISO 8601).Optionalstring2020-05-01
cliThe call line identity (CLI) calling number. A 'starting with' search of the ANI/From field.Optionalstring197
numberThe called number. A 'starting with' search of the DNIS/To field.Optionalstring187
wildcard_cliThe call line identity (CLI) calling number. An 'includes' search of the ANI/From field.Optionalstring971231
wildcard_numberThe called number. An 'includes' search of the DNIS/To field.Optionalstring7751
typeDirection and type of the interactionOptionaltype (custom schema)-
dispositionRetrieved call outcomeOptionaldisposition_code (custom schema)-
queue_idsSingle or multiple queue IDs, separated by commas. These can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/queues methodOptionalstring199, 201
agent_idsSingle or multiple agent IDs, separated by commas. These can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/agents methodOptionalstring1,2,3
team_idsSingle or multiple agent team IDs, separated by commas. These can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/teams methodOptionalstring3,4
wrapup_codesSingle or multiple wrap-up code IDs, separated by commas. These can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/wrapup_codes methodOptionalstring0001, 1002
eventStandard call eventsOptionalevents (custom schema)-
end_reasonStandard call end reasonsOptionalend_reason (custom schema)-
campaign_idsSingle or multiple campaign IDs, separated by commas. These can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/campaigns methodOptionalstring15, 13, 22
duration_fromCalls which have a duration longer than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)1
duration_toCalls which have a duration shorter than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)10
dialing_time_fromCalls which have a dialing time longer than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)1
dialing_time_toCalls which have a dialing time shorter than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)10
talk_time_fromCalls which have a talk time longer than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)1
talk_time_toCalls which have a talk time shorter than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)10
hold_time_fromCalls which have a hold time longer than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)1
hold_time_toCalls which have a hold time shorter than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)10
ivr_time_fromCalls which have a pre-queue (IVR) time longer than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)1
ivr_time_toCalls which have a pre-queue (IVR) time shorter than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)10
queue_time_fromCalls which have a queue time longer than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)1
queue_time_toCalls which have a queue time shorter than the specified value (in seconds)Optionalinteger (int32)10
deleted_agent_idsSingle or multiple deleted (archived) agent IDs, separated by commas. These can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/deleted_agents methodOptionalstring15, 16, 17
first_seenSet to Required to get only new numbers that have never been dialed beforeOptionalfirst_seen (custom schema)-
lead_sourceCalls with a specified lead source type (available only for dialer campaigns with a specified lead source)OptionalstringGoogle ADS
start_datetimeMust be in this format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'.Optionalstring2022-08-19T02:56:02
end_datetimeMust be in this format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'.Optionalstring2022-08-19T02:56:02
uuidUUID of the call.Optionalstringa6c74840-574b-4e6e-baad-6b69bc38ccfc
related_call_uuidUUID of the parent call if the callback was requested from the queue.Optionalstring8d1371d2-e166-4677-b158-b1782ddd412d
destination_nameThe name of destination country. Valid for outbound calls only.OptionalstringGermany - Other

With these parameters, you can make a GET request:

  "method": "GET",
  "url": "",
  "params": {
    "key": "a387aaf1f101fc...fe284aaf61",
    "search_token": "dkeouof13kjhk4HHH59",
    "page": "1",
    "per_page": "20",
    "start_date": "2020-04-01",
    "end_date": "2020-05-01",
    "cli": "197",
    "number": "187",
    "wildcard_cli": "971231",
    "wildcard_number": "7751",
    "queue_ids": "199, 201",
    "agent_ids": "1,2,3",
    "team_ids": "3,4",
    "wrapup_codes": "0001, 1002",
    "campaign_ids": "15, 13, 22",
    "duration_from": "1",
    "duration_to": "10",
    "dialing_time_from": "1",
    "dialing_time_to": "10",
    "talk_time_from": "1",
    "talk_time_to": "10",
    "hold_time_from": "1",
    "hold_time_to": "10",
    "ivr_time_from": "1",
    "ivr_time_to": "10",
    "queue_time_from": "1",
    "queue_time_to": "10",
    "deleted_agent_ids": "15, 16, 17",
    "lead_source": "Google ADS",
    "start_datetime": "2022-08-19T02:56:02",
    "end_datetime": "2022-08-19T02:56:02",
    "uuid": "a6c74840-574b-4e6e-baad-6b69bc38ccfc",
    "related_call_uuid": "8d1371d2-e166-4677-b158-b1782ddd412d",
    "destination_name": "Germany - Other"


The following table describes the elements of the response.

pageIndicates the current page number.number
totalIndicates the total number of pages in the response.number
recordsAn array of interaction records from the Call Detail Records.arrayRefer to the Records table below.
search_tokenA token that is returned if the response contains more than 10,000 records.stringUse the token in the next API request to skip the records that have already been returned. Refer to Querying more than 10,000 records above.


The parameters returned for each record are determined by the interaction type, including voice, SMS, and digital interactions (refer to the Notes column).

agentThe name of the user (agent or supervisor) who first handled the interaction.string
fromThe ANI of a voice interaction, the Sender ID of an SMS, or the name of a social media account for digital interactions.string
dispositionThe end-of-call status.stringRefer to Disposition codes for details.
durationThe length of the interaction in hours, minutes, and seconds.stringFormat: hh:mm:ss
queueThe inbound queue that distributed the call.stringInbound interactions only.
toThe DNIS of a voice interaction, the name of the receiver of an SMS, or the name of a social media account for digital interactions.string
timestampThe date and time that the interaction ended.stringThe timestamp format is ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss-hh:mm, where -/+hh:mm is the time zone offset from UTC.
uuidThe unique identification code assigned to the interaction.string
wrapup_codeThe Wrap-up code assigned by the agent at the end of the interaction.stringRefer to Wrap-up codes for details.
typeThe type of interaction.stringValid values include: inbound, outbound, dialer, click-to-call, hlr_ookup, outbound SMS, whatsapp, chat, instagram, facebook, telegram, viber, queue_callback, and scheduled_callback.
agent_idThe identification number assigned by the system when the user was created.numberThese can be obtained with the /api/v2/cdr/agents method.
cpcThe cost per call or cost to send a message.numberIn U.S. dollars.
sidThe Sender ID for SMS interactions.string
textThe body of the SMS.string
related_callThe UUID of the interaction related to the SMS.string
templateThe name of the template used for the digital interaction or SMS.string
num_segmentsThe number of segments required to contain the complete text of an SMS if the text of the message contains more than 160 characters.numberEach segment is up to 160 characters in length.
destination_nameThe name associated with the recipient's phone number.string
slaService Level Agreement parameters that indicate the time to complete each metric.arrayRefer to the SLA table below.


For digital (chat-based) interactions, the following service level agreement array parameters are included in the sla parameter:

time_to_first_responseThe duration before an interaction assigned to an agent reaches the maximum allowed time for a first response.stringFormat: hh:mm:ss
time_to_resolutionThe maximum time that an agent has to archive an interaction.stringFormat: hh:mm:ss
time_to_replyThe duration before an interaction assigned to an agent reaches the maximum allowed time for a reply to each text message from a contact.stringFormat: hh:mm:ss

Sample response:

    "records": [
            "agent": "Mike A",
            "from": "15557571011",
            "disposition": "answered",
            "duration": "00:01:19",
            "queue": null,
            "to": "31208112500",
            "timestamp": "2024-07-31T12:43:09.000-03:00",
            "uuid": "5d73e973-4103-48ac-84ad-4861155f86db",
            "wrapup_code": "0101",
            "type": "outbound",
            "agent_id": 56215,
            "cpc": 0.3972
        // ... more records ...
            "agent": "Chandra Agarwal",
            "from": "155535189249",
            "disposition": "answered",
            "duration": "00:00:30",
            "queue": null,
            "to": "155555554236",
            "timestamp": "2024-07-31T11:14:30.000-03:00",
            "uuid": "c61c6ebb-d216-4caa-927a-461c8c8cc705",
            "wrapup_code": "1007",
            "type": "click_to_call",
            "agent_id": 52715,
            "cpc": 0.0032
        // ... more records ...
            "agent": null,
            "from": "Guest",
            "disposition": "archived",
            "duration": "00:00:00",
            "to": "Olek's test",
            "timestamp": "2024-07-24T06:15:40.407-03:00",
            "uuid": "7a221595-6dcd-483a-b37f-65e12317756d",
            "wrapup_code": null,
            "type": "chat",
            "agent_id": null,
            "cpc": 0.0,
            "sla": {
                "time_to_first_response": "00:01:45",
                "time_to_resolution": "48:16:27",
                "time_to_reply": "00:00:23"
            "queue": null
    "total": 2632,
    "page": 1,
    "search_token": "WzE2ODU1Mzg3MTg5ODUsIySjcl9pdGVtIzkzMjUyOGEyLTdhYYZtNGY3Zi04OWIwLWFhY2M4ZDc2OTk5YiJd"

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