Get balance

The Voiso Balance API allows external applications to get the value of the contact center balance. The API is available on all Voiso tariffs.

Please refer to the detailed API endpoint specification: Get balance

Trigger for low balance or payment reminder

You can use the Balance API to create an application to track your contact center's billing balance and automatically make payments or trigger alerts when your balance is low.


Making requests

The balance API requires the Base URL (cluster_id) and the The contact center API key (client_api_key). It uses the following parameters to initiate a call:

The contact center API key. Voiso responds with the current balance owing.

For example:


The response to the request is a key-value pair of type number. The value is a float indicating the balance owing in US$.

Response sample

  "balance": 3562.67


The following issues are sometimes encountered:

Invalid api_key

The balance API requires the contact center API key to validate the request. If you see this error, "error": "Invalid api_key", check that you are using the correct contact center API key. For more information about API keys, refer to Authentication.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!