Voiso supports two different types of authentication keys for API requests - the contact center API key and the user API key. API keys must be added to the request path or body parameters. This article outlines the distinction between keys and guides for acquiring them for authentication.

'Contact center key' and 'user key' explanation

Consider that the contact center key, also known as client_api_key, is used across the entire contact center and is not tied to a specific user. This enables trusted integrations, where an external system can utilize the functions of the Voiso contact center without limitations.

At the same time, the user key, also known as user_api_key, is an attribute of a specific user configured within the contact center. The 'user key' inherits the same permissions and restrictions set up for the user. This key allows for more flexible integrations with different access levels to contact center data and features.

In most cases, and for integration debugging purposes, Voiso recommends using the 'user key' of a user with administrator permissions.

Tip: Review the individual API overview articles and API endpoint descriptions, noting which key is needed and where it belongs in the request.

How to obtain the 'contact center key'

You can request the client (contact center) API key client_api_key from a Voiso account manager.

Important: Keep your contact center API key secret. If someone obtains it, they may try to make calls on behalf of your organization's account.

How to obtain the 'user key'

Some APIs require a user key for strict authorization requirements. To access resources, the user represented by the user key must have access privileges to those resources. Refer to Security Access Groups.

A user_api_key is obtained in the Voiso application.

  1. Navigate to Users>Users.
  2. Use Search to find the user (User name).
  3. Open the Edit user view by clicking the user's name.
  4. The user's API key user_api_key is in the API Key field. Copy this value and paste it into your API query.